


Since 2002, our Center has been providing intensive intervention to children with dyslexia.

Our clinical program is independent of school support. We serve children in grades 1-12 from many different educational backgrounds. Children admitted to the program attend for two years. The children receive one-on-one instruction twice a week after school, and during the summer. This allows for the curriculum to be tailored to each individual child’s needs. Often this instruction improves the child’s self-confidence, self-esteem, and approach to learning.

We take pride in the fact that our clinical model incorporates the latest scientific research in the field of reading and spelling, dyslexia, and dyslexia remediation. We are structured and funded to serve a specific population: children with dyslexia. We require a psychoeducational assessment done outside of our centers, since we do not evaluate children. The assessment must be administered within the last two years. The provided evaluation helps us to target children who meet the diagnostic profile of dyslexia.

The admission application and the psychoeducational evaluation help us determine if our reasoning-based approach would be appropriate for the child. Our professional staff are specifically trained to work with children with dyslexia. They are only qualified to provide instruction for this type of learning difficulty. Contact us for further information and to request a Child Admission Application.

“I cannot begin to express my gratitude and Liam will never again feel ashamed to share his dyslexia with anyone.  It is a beloved program. ”
- Lindsey M

“Eli has gone from barely recognizing his letters, where they go and how to space them on the page to ACTUALLY READING over the course of the last year. ”
- Ali K

"Private tutoring for hours a week by parents and a friend did so little for David's progress as compared to the Dyslexia Center training..."
- Lisa G

“Before the Dyslexia Center, I couldn’t read anything. I thought I was stupid. Now I can read books ahead of my level.”
- David G

“David could tell that the intervention he was receiving at the Dyslexia Center was making a huge difference. His attitude totally changed. Instead of being anxious, he was excited about the progress he was making.”
- Parent



We offer two streams of educator training. Our traditional program is offered to individual educators at the Center, with coursework and practicum occurring at our facility. We also provide in-district training, with coursework and practicum occurring for educators within their own school buildings.

Applicants for our IMSLEC© accredited Initial Course must hold a Bachelor’s Degree or higher. This course takes a minimum of 12 months to complete. Trainees must complete 90 course hours (lecture and other requirements) and 100 hours of supervised practicum. Successful completion of our MSLE Initial Course leads to certification as a Dyslexia Practitioner 1.

Applications are accepted through April of each year for the traditional program, with Seminars beginning in May.
Practicum begins in June.

In-district training opportunities are evaluated on a rolling basis.
Please contact us for more information about our training courses.

"Some of the best training that I have ever received."
- Laurie F
